Transportation Systems

Licensed, Proven Designs for Transporting Spent Fuel, Other Nuclear Materials

NAC International has developed a full range of nuclear material packaging and transportation casks. We have obtained over 150 NRC-approved licenses or license amendments for our transport system designs, as well as numerous worldwide license certificates and validations.

NAC’s current transportation systems include:

  • NRC-licensed transport casks for NAC’s on-site storage system designs:
    • NAC-STC transport casks for transporting MPC storage systems. This design was used as the basis for casks certified and used in China since 2004 for transporting spent fuel.
    • UMS Universal Transport Cask for UMS on-site storage casks
    • MAGNATRAN transport cask for MAGNASTOR on-site storage casks
  • NAC-LWT (legal weight truck) transport casks, NRC-licensed and endorsed by 50+ countries. Click here for more information on the NAC-LWT cask.
  • OPTIMUS® cask line offering an adaptable Type B cask package designed with flexibility and adaptability for cost-efficient shipment of a wide range of fissile materials. More information is available here.

Our history of transportation success demonstrates our readiness to provide transport of storage canisters in NAC’s NRC-certified STC, UMS UTC and MAGNATRAN casks to a consolidated interim storage facility or a repository for disposal, when available.