Interim Used Fuel Storage

Interim Storage Partners (ISP) Project in West Texas
NAC International has partnered with Interim Storage Partners, a joint venture of Waste Control Specialists (WCS) and Orano USA, in a license application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to site a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility in West Texas.The proposed facility will provide interim storage of used nuclear fuel at the WCS site in Andrews, Texas. The license application was initiated in 2015 and was subsequently renewed with the NRC in June 2018.

Conceptual drawing of the proposed Consolidated Interim Storage Facility in Andrews, Texas.
When issued, the license will allow the storage of used nuclear fuel from select reactors at closed nuclear plants and from Texas. ISP proposes an initial 40-year license to consolidate and store an eventual total of 40,000 metric tons of used nuclear fuel, developed and constructed over eight flexible phases.
The Consolidated Interim Storage Facility will securely store the used nuclear fuel with the same proven storage technology and commitment to safety as demonstrated at storage installations currently in place and reliably operating at U.S. reactor sites across the United States.
NAC International is strongly positioned to support this interim storage initiative and to support the shipments of used fuel from nuclear plant sites using its proprietary dual-purpose solution design, transportation cask availability, and transportation experience.