Transportation Assured

End-to-End Solutions for Nuclear Materials Shipping
NAC International offers comprehensive nuclear material packaging systems and transportation services. Our seasoned shipping personnel work in accordance with the latest international regulations and are supported by NAC’s fleet of certified fuel transport casks for spent fuel and other nuclear materials.Our history of transportation success demonstrates our readiness to transport storage canisters in NAC’s NRC-certified STC, UMS UTC and MAGNATRAN casks to a consolidated interim storage facility or a repository for disposal, when available. We continue to drive forward new transport packaging designs such as our new OPTIMUS® casks, licensed for a broad range of nuclear materials.
NAC has more than 30 years of proven experience providing nuclear materials transportation services using NAC’s NRC-licensed cask fleet. Our transportation customers include nuclear utilities, commercial companies, universities, the U.S. Department of Energy, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and other government agencies. We have obtained over 150 NRC-approved licenses or license amendments for our transport system designs, as well as numerous worldwide license certificates and validations.
OPTIMUS-H and OPTIMUS-L. OPTIMUS-H is designed for high-activity contents: remote-handled transuranic waste (RH TRU) and spent fuel. OPTIMUS-L is designed for low-activity contents: contact-handled transuranic waste (CH TRU) and mixed low-level radioactive waste (MLLW).Learn More
NAC-LWT (Legal Weight Truck) cask system is the industry workhorse of U.S. commercial spent nuclear fuel transportation casks, and has been used for many types of solid and liquid wastes.Learn More
Dry Transfer System
The transfer cask is used to move canisters of fuel from the fuel storage location to the shipping cask.Learn More