SMR and AR Support

NAC INTERNATIONAL is the essential partner for small modular reactor (SMR) and advanced reactor (AR) developers, including micro reactors and other types of new nuclear reactors, helping realize the vision of next-generation nuclear energy.
A world leading provider of nuclear fuel cycle solutions, NAC can provide SMR/AR developers with a wide range of products and services:
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A world leading provider of nuclear fuel cycle solutions, NAC can provide SMR/AR developers with a wide range of products and services:
NAC affiliates can fabricate a range of reactor components. NAC’s subsidiary Niagara Energy Products manufactures reactor components and radioactive waste containers. NAC’s parent company Kanadevia Corporation fabricates nuclear site equipment at its Ariake, Japan facility.Learn More
NAC offers end-to-end solutions for transporting components, fresh and irradiated fuel, and waste. NAC has completed more than 3,800 shipments of nuclear fuel and materials worldwide. Licensed for HALEU fuel now.Learn More
SNF and Waste Management
NAC is an industry leader in solutions for long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and unique waste forms. Subsidiaries NAC LPT and NAC Philotechnics provide a full range of solutions for managing radioactive and mixed waste.Learn More
For more than a half century, NAC has provided specialized market insights about the nuclear fuel cycle. The company offers its proprietary software for Nuclear Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) called NAC Reporter®. NAC also provides unbiased support for competitive procurement strategies.Learn More