Audit and Oversight
NAC QA Audit and Inspection
The NAC Quality Program is routinely subject to audit and inspection, by NAC clients, utility and supplier industry groups, and regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Every audit or inspection has resulted in approvals of NAC’s Quality Program.Audit and inspection results have been uniformly positive, resulting in approvals by every organization auditing or inspecting NAC. On the very few instances when issues were noted, they were, without exception, promptly resolved to the satisfaction of the auditing/inspecting entity.
Process and Supplier Oversight

Each internal NAC project is assigned a dedicated Project Quality Assurance Engineer (PQAE) during project planning activities to serve as the project-based quality representative throughout the duration of the project. PQAEs report to the Project Manager for project activities and directly to QA Management for quality issues. The PQAE is augmented by other quality personnel, including auditors, inspectors and examiners as required throughout project performance, to assure that the project continues to comply with the applicable quality criteria.
Supplier oversight is also rigorous. Every significant fabrication or construction project is assigned a dedicated Fabrication/Construction Manager who acts as the primary NAC interface with the supplier, minimizing fabrication or construction issues and, in conjunction with the assigned PQAE, assuring that the quality performance of our suppliers complies with client specification and NAC’s highest standards.