Michael Yaksh, Ph.D.

Manager, Applied Mechanics Engineering Design
Mike Yaksh is Manager of Applied Mechanics Engineering Design, responsible for the structural and thermal analyses of spent fuel storage and transport packages and operational equipment design. He is the primary technical interface for these analyses with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other international competent authority organizations supporting NAC’s fuel transportation and storage operations.Dr. Yaksh has led the resolution of design issues presented by site-specific seismic loads, system impact loads from regulatory-driven drop conditions, and additional site-specific system drop configurations. Through his leadership and performance of system state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analytical modeling, NAC obtained NRC licensing of its ultra-high-capacity spent fuel dry storage system, MAGNASTOR®.
Dr. Yaksh has over 40 years of experience in the field of applied mechanics leading and performing the design and analysis of structures and mechanical systems subject to dynamic impact, seismic time history, thermal transient and CFD transient loading. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and Ph.D. and master’s degrees in engineering science and mechanics from the Georgia Institute of Technology.