Holger Pfeifer, Ph.D.

Director of Engineering
Holger Pfeifer is Director of Engineering, responsible for criticality and shielding design of spent fuel storage and transport casks. He is presently using MCNP and the SCALE code system, including the KENO Va, ORIGEN S, XSDRNPM and MORSE codes, in criticality and shielding analysis of light water reactor fuel and other nuclear materials in storage and transport casks.Dr. Pfeifer’s experience includes 25 years of nuclear analysis in support of spent fuel cask systems. Analyses managed by Dr. Pfeifer have been used in support of three storage/transport system designs for spent nuclear fuel and for numerous license amendments for transport casks certified by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
He earned bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees in nuclear engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.