Kerry L Basehore
Shacklefords, VA, USA

Prior to his retirement in 2016, Mr. Basehore worked for 35 years at Dominion Energy, with the last 20 years as the Director of Nuclear Analysis of Fuel. In that position, he was responsible for all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle for the nuclear units owned and operated by Dominion Energy, including nuclear fuel procurement, reload core design/safety analysis/methods, corporate support for site reactor engineering, nuclear fuel performance, spent fuel management and disposition, offsite dose analysis and probabilistic risk assessment.
During his tenure at Dominion Energy, the department developed and licensed vendor-independent reload and safety analysis methods for the Dominion Energy fleet. He also led performance of these on a reload basis, assuming safety analysis responsibility for the operating units. This work included reload licensing transition for acquired additional reactor sites, or new fuel designs.
Mr. Basehore served on the Dominion Energy fleet Management Safety Review Committee for 25 years, which provided independent peer oversight of power station activities. He also chaired the fleet Reactivity Management Review Team. He was a founding board member for the Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium, representing the nuclear energy stakeholders for Virginia.
Early in his career, Mr. Basehore was employed by and part of the Pacific Northwest National Labs team that developed the VIPRE and COBRA series of core thermal hydraulics codes which are currently in active use.
Mr. Basehore holds a BS in nuclear engineering from Penn State University, and MS and NE degrees from MIT.
Areas of Expertise
- Compatibility and mixed core evaluations
- Fuel department staffing and organization assessments
- Fuel Design & Manufacture
- Fuel design change reviews
- Fuel fabrication procurement
- Fuel manufacturing technical oversight
- Fuel performance and reliability
- Fuel rod analyses
- Licensing Analysis
- New fuel design reviews / LTA's / Accident Tolerant Fuel
- Purchasing/marketing strategies
- RFP and bid evaluations
- Safety analyses
- Thermal-hydraulics analyses