Tracy Saville
Hendersonville, NC, USA

Mr. Tracy Saville is the retired Director of Nuclear Safety Analysis for Duke Energy Corporation (Duke). He managed the Duke Safety Analysis area for 11 years where he led methods development, reload analysis, post-accident dose and shielding analysis, and management of vendor loss of coolant accident (LOCA) analysis interface. He served in a lead position as the emergency response organization (ERO) Accident Assessment Manager in the General Office Emergency Operations Facility Organization for 13 years, ultimately supporting all 11 Duke nuclear plants.
In other career highlights Mr. Saville:
- Led root cause investigations for multiple high-profile plant events
- Served as corporate post-accident dose and shielding manager for three years
- Served as site reactor engineering manager for five years at Oconee Nuclear Station
- Worked in Duke corporate fuel reliability analysis and fuel reload analysis for seven years, including vendor fuel fabrication audit and oversight
Prior to his employment with Duke, Mr. Saville worked in the fuel rod design and analysis group for Babcock and Wilcox for three years.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and master’s from the University of Virginia. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of North Carolina and earned a Technical Nuclear Certification for the Oconee Nuclear Station.
Areas of Expertise
- Compatibility and mixed core evaluations
- Expanding safety related Scope-of-Supply
- Fuel Design & Manufacture
- Fuel design change reviews
- Fuel handling, core loading, and operational support
- Fuel manufacturing technical oversight
- Fuel performance and reliability
- Fuel rod analyses
- Manufacturing quality surveillance (QS)
- New fuel design reviews / LTA's / Accident Tolerant Fuel
- Safety analyses