Sten Lundberg
Eckental, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Mr. Lundberg has worked since 1996 as a self-employed consultant focusing on nuclear fuel and core analyses, using the CMS code package under license with Studsvik. His experience includes working with the CMS package performing mixed core analyses of many European and US BWRs.
He also participated in the development of a concept for a new advanced core surveillance system for the Ringhals 1 unit, the introduction of the 3D simulator PRESTO-2 at EGL/KKL, review of reload fuel and control rods tenders for KKL from ABB Atom and GE and more. He also has experience in PWR nuclear analyses by generating power histories for high enriched PWR fuel bundles for the Russian fuel vendor TVEL.
He has been engaged in a wide variety of fuel-related activities at nuclear plants in Europe and the United States. During 2015 and 2019-present he worked part time as a nuclear engineer at the Forsmark BWR units in Sweden. In 2021 he developed a database on debris failures in Nordic BWRs (including the German Brunsbüttel and Krümmel units. From 2015 until present, he has been engaged by the Swiss nuclear operation authorities, ENSI to provide support in reactor physics.
Prior to his consulting work, Mr. Lundberg was a nuclear engineer at the KKL Leibstadt nuclear plant in Switzerland. In 1989, he become manager of the fuel and nuclear operations at KKL. From 1977-1987, Mr. Lundberg worked at Studsvik and the Swedish nuclear utility Sydkraft
From 1971 to 1977, Mr. Lundberg studied at the technical faculty at the university in Lund, Sweden where he got his (Civilingeniör) degree, which is equivalent to a master’s degree in applied engineering (physics). He is fluent in Swedish, English and German and has a basic knowledge of French. He lives outside of Nürnberg in Germany.
Areas of Expertise
- Compatibility and mixed core evaluations
- Core design
- Cycle economics and fuel costs
- Fuel cycle design
- Fuel Design & Manufacture
- Fuel design change reviews
- Fuel handling, core loading, and operational support
- Fuel Management
- Fuel performance and reliability
- Fuel rod analyses
- New fuel design reviews / LTA's / Accident Tolerant Fuel
- Operation & Performance
- Safety analyses
- Thermal-hydraulics analyses